The Blasket Islands

By October 27, 2014

The Blaskets are a group of six islands off the coast of the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland.  To get there you have to sail on a small boat from the mainland.  Since there is no dock on Great Blasket, you have to get out in the middle of the water and transfer to a little dinghy. Otherwise the boat would run up on shore.     IMG_2180  IMG_2167

The town on the island was in ruins. One hundred and sixty people once lived there. Each family only owned one cow, a couple of sheep, and a plot of potatoes. However, the people in the Blaskets were not that dependent on potatoes, so they survived the potato famine, which killed millions in Ireland.

Supplies had to be brought to the island by boat. The only way to get around was a canvas-covered curragh. In 1953, everyone had to move off the island. They were running out of turf (their fuel) and the government felt it couldn’t supply enough hospital care. In bad weather, they couldn’t bring sick people off the island.

The day we were on the island the weather was nice. We could see seals on the beach.  Our tour guide was related to one of the former inhabitants of the island. My favorite part was climbing on the ruins.

IMG_2170And this is Cosmic Celt, signing out.

Thanks to for the thumbnail image.


Cosmic Celt

Author Cosmic Celt

Cosmic Celt is a travel journalist for Irish Ink. When he is not writing, he likes chasing leprechauns around Ireland.

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