Rainforests are full of food and animals. A colorful bird flies overhead. What could this bird be? It’s a toucan! A nickname for them is the clowns of the rainforest. Toucans usually play with at least one companion. They play king of the branch, catch, and have sword fights with their beaks. They play games, some just like sports we play today!
In king of the branch the winner is whichever forces the other off the branch. When they play catch they toss fruit into the other’s beak. In sword fighting they will sometimes lock beaks, one forcing the other off their perch. They play tag and one will tag the other hard enough to force it off his perch and fly back to the flock.
Sometimes they will play follow the leader, one leading and the others in a line behind it. Toucans are one of the noisiest birds in all the rainforest. They croak, chirp, yelp, bark, scream, squawk, and rattle somewhat like a cat purring.