Blue by Peter Searby

By March 27, 2018

Dear Friends,

Blue is a song I wrote during Lent a few years ago. The song is about those times every person experiences when all seems lost; when the moments of trial are like dark clouds that begin to surround us, and it seems we are alone. But it is during these times when hope can be the most powerful—when we catch a vision of a hope that actually saves. It is a song that is dear to my heart, for it expresses the emotions and desires of the human need for hope in this life during times when we are Blue.

I founded the Riverside Center for Imaginative Learning upon the foundations of imagination, prayer, and hope — there were times of trial, struggle, and risk — when people said it wouldn’t work, or that I could not start something without any money. But over the last 4 years we have grown, and children all over the Greater Chicagoland area are involved with Riverside. Alongside a group of dedicated educators, artists, and families, we have crafted a very special place – a place where children find inspiration through a pedagogy of Imaginative Learning.

Donate & Receive Blue Once a year, Riverside raises funds through the Race for Riverside, a not-for-profit 5K run that our whole community gets behind to help support Riverside. Our goal is to raise $30,000 this year. Any donation through the ‘Donate’ button below will get you Blue & will go directly to support Riverside.

My hope is that our greater community of supporters will see the importance of a song for culture & that your donation will both spread Blue & support Riverside!


God speed & keep running the Good Race,

Peter Searby
Founder & Creative Director
Riverside Center for Imaginative Learning

A special thanks to those who helped record Blue
Mike Manthei -Sound Engineer (Eberly Studios)
Doug Lofstrom – Bass
Alpha Stewart Jr. – Percussion
Carrie Provost – Violin
Jeanne Johannesen – Cello

Peter Searby

Author Peter Searby

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