COMET B-67-Earlier this month, the probe Philae, built by the European Space Agency, became the first probe to land on a comet. Philae was released from its mother probe, Rosetta, which was orbiting the comet after a long trip through the solar system (it went around the sun four times)! Because the comet’s gravity is so weak, Philae was equipped with a rocket engine and harpoons to help anchor the probe. But when it landed, neither of these devices worked! But, despite the failure of rocket and harpoons, Philea landed safely on the comet. Phileas mission is to find out as much about the comet as possible. To do this the probe has cameras which will take high-resolution pictures of the comet, has a way to analyze the surface material, and also has a drilling system which will dig up samples. As for Rosetta, it will continue to orbit the comet and take measurements for about the next 18 months. Whether or not NASA will follow up on this great achievement remains to be seen.