The Lands of Middle Earth: The Shire

By November 11, 2016

The Lands of Middle Earth

Last Updated – October 15, 2016

Middle Earth is the realm created from the brilliant mind of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, (or J.R.R Tolkien for short). In this realm there are many types of People (or Creatures) including Ainur, Dwarves, Eagles, Elves, Ents, Giants, Hobbits, Huorns, Men, River-maids, Drúedain, Balrogs, Barrow-wights, The Dead, Dragons, Goblins, Men, Orcs, Ringwraiths, Spiders, Trolls, Vampires, Wargs and Werewolves.

The Shire

The Shire is the home to the majority Hobbits in Middle Earth. The Hobbits have a very strange Diet of 7 Meals a Day Including, Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner and Supper. The Shire is divided into 23 Parts so lets start in the North.

The Greenfields are most famous for the Battle of Greenfields which was fought between several hundred hobbits led by Bandobras “Bullroarer” Took and a band of goblins led by Goblin Chief Golfmbul. Bullroarer attacked the ranks of the goblins, and with a wooden club knocked Golfimbul’s head off, sending it through the air and down a rabbit-hole, winning the battle and at the same time inventing the game of golf.

Bree-land is about twenty-five miles from one end to the other. The area was settled in the Second Age by Men from Dudlandand, and Hobbits from all over the Shire. Surviving the wars and chaos of that time, it became part of the kingdoms of Arnor then Arthedain; it had the protection of the Rangers of the North. After the War of the Ring, Bree-land became part of the reunited Kingdom well into the Fourth Age.

Ered Luin
In the beginning Ered Luin was a mountain range, a natural border between Eriador and Beleriand. The elves who settled in Lindon named it Ered Lindon. Also dwarves settled here but these settlements were destroyed in the War of Wrat.

Bindbole Wood
Bindbole Wood is an area within the Shire in the northern region.
This large area north to north-east of the Hill is Mainly a forest full of goblins, troubling peaceful hobbits and careless travellers.

Brockenborings is a settlement located within the area of Greenfields in the Shire.
This village lies just outside the eastern edge of Bindbole Wood, at the south-westernern corner of Greenfields. Brockenborings supports a bustling community of townspeople, merchants, craftsmen.

Scary was a village in the Eastfarthing of The Shire, located near the Greenfields a few miles west of the village of Quarry and about ten miles east of the Brockenborings. There was a stone quarry here that was used by Sauraman’s Men to store their weapons.

This small village in the woods marks the end of the short road that runs past The Hill from Tookland. However, a trail continues east through the forest to Brockenborings and beyond. The Hobbits living here are wood-workers.

NeedleHole is mainly Farms everywhere as far as the eye can see. Hobbits in NeedleHole can be found Smoking, Farming and Drinking.

The Hill
The Hill, as you might have guested, is well known for being very hilly, and one of the prettiest places in the Shire.

Rushhock Bog
Rushock Bog is an area within the Shire in the north-western region.
These marshes south of Needlehole cover many square miles through Bindbole Wood, The Hill, and the Delving Fields. However, in spite of its boggy nature Rushock Bog sees a lot of folk. New dwarves and elves arrive to the Shire this way.

Hobbiton is located in the center of the Shire. It is the home of many adventurous Hobbits, including Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, and Samwise Gamgee. During the War of the Ring, Saruman destroyed much of the Shire, and Hobbiton suffered greatly.
After the servants of Saruman had been expelled from the Shire, Sam Gamgee used magic soil from the garden of Elf-Queen Galadriel to heal his homeland.

Budgeford was the traditional home of the Bolgers,who where known for being very rude and fat.

During the War of the Ring when Sauruman and his band of Orcs took over The Shire. It was the base camp of the First Eastfarthing Troop company of Shrriffs who were responsible for arresting Frodo and Company when they returned to the Shire after the Quest of the Ring.

Little Delving
Little Delving is as a village located in the Westfarthing of The Shire. It is almost North of Michel Delving in the White Downs

Bywater is the site of the Battle of Bywater on November 3, 3019. It was in this battle that the War of the Ring ended, and Saruman suffered death at the hands of Gríma Wormtongue (who was,shot by three unnamed archers).

Stock was the location of the Golden Perch Inn. Like the people of The Marish, the people of Stock and Rushey were very friendly with the Bucklanders. Some of the hobbits living there were members of the Maggot and Puddifoot families.

Waymeet, also known as Waymoot, was a town in the Westfarthing of The Shire.
It was located on the Great East Road about six miles north of Whitwell and about sixteen miles southwest of Hobbiton.
During the War of the Ring, the Evil doers working for Saruman had sheds there that they used as their barracks and it was from here that they left for the Battle of Bywater.

Far Downs
The Far Downs is forty leagues from the Brandywine Bridge and over forty miles from the Tower Hills. The town of Greenholm was built in it, and the Great East Road that led to the Tower Hills runs through it. Fastred, the first Warden of Westmarch, was born on these hills in the town of Greenholm.

After Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, and Peregrin Took crossed the Shire pursued by Black Riders, the High Elves led by Gildor Inglorion led the Hobbits into a wide hall-like space in the woods, roofed by the branches of trees.
Michel Delving
Michel Delving is the largest town in the Shire, located in the western edge of the Westfarthing in the White Downs on the Great East Road. The Mayor of the Shire is elected in Michel Delving.

Green Hill Country
The Green Hill Country is the original land of the Tooks, who settled there when the majority of the hobbits came to the Shire in TA 1601. Over the many hundreds of years, other hobbits settled there but the Tooks still remain as the majority.
Frodo passed through this land when he was on the Quest of the Ring with Sam, Merry and Pippin. Later during the Scouring of the Shire, a hundred Tooks led by Pippin marched from Tuckborough and the rest of this land to fight against the Evil Doers.

The Marish
The Marish was where the Oldbuck family was believed to have lived before Gorhendad Oldbuck moved the family across the Brandywine to Buckland and changed their name. The Marish is home to many farms, including Bamfurlong belonging to Farmer Maggot. The two major settlements in the Marish are Stock and Rushey.
The Hobbits of the Marish are mainly of Stoorish descent. They are large, wore boots in muddy weather, and commonly grew beards. Some Hobbits of the Marish also live in houses instead of Smials (Hobbit Holes).

South Farthing
The South Farthings are most well know for there large Production in Pipeweed. Pipe-weed (also known as Halfing’s Leaf) is grown and enjoyed much by the Hobbits of the Shire. In Gondor, it is known popularly as Westman’s-weed. It was apparently brought to Middle-earth by Númenóreans during the Second Age. It was first grown among hobbits around S.R.1070.

Brendan H

Author Brendan H

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