The Titanic Museum is in Cobh, Ireland. (It is pronounced Cove, not Cob like corn.) The Titanic was a ship built in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was going to sail from England to New York, but made stops along the way. One of them was at Cobh, where they picked up mail and 123 passengers. This was the last port before it was supposed to cross the Atlantic.
On April 14, 1912, the Titanic crashed into an iceberg. They sent out a call for help. The closest ship was the Californian, but the wireless operator had gone off duty and did not hear the distress SOS. Some men reported seeing a rocket being launched and told the Captain of the Californian but he paid no attention to it. The next closest ship, the Carpathia, was 58 miles away. By the time, it got to the Titanic, it was already too late. The Carpathia picked up the 705 survivors that had gotten on the lifeboats. There weren’t enough lifeboats for the amount of people on the ship. And, they could have saved about 200 more people if they had filled the lifeboats.
When we visited the museum, we made tickets with the names of passengers who had boarded in Cobh. Seventy-nine of the 123 died and 44 lived. We went through the rooms of the museum, which were replicas of the rooms on the Titanic. It made me feel like we were on the ship and that we were going to sink.
Our visit to Cobh overall was awesome except for the fact that my mom and sister were sick. They missed the museum and the train tour of the city. We had a cool hotel. The windows faced the bay and one time we saw a Navy ship and a tugboat pass.
This is Cosmic Celt signing out.
Thanks to //thesilvervoice.wordpress.com/2012/01/01/titanic-100cobh-2012/ for the image of the Titanic.