Riverside Center brings adventure to home schooling boys (Note: The 2017 Race for Riverside will take place on May 6, 2017 – learn more here.)
Riverside Center for Education to host CD release concert in Wheaton Center offers learning opportunities for homeschooled students It’s not often that elementary and middle school students get to participate…
On March 21st the Rangers headed out to the Aurora Sportsman Club to Shoot Trap. The weather was almost perfect: blue skies, crisp fresh air, and the sound of shotguns…
Hello All, The Riverside Tutorial Apprentices performed some excerpts of their radio shows on the Patrick McCormack Show recently. They had a blast, and sounded great! Thanks Patrick for having…
Read this quote from one of our Tutorial parents! “What is so beautiful about Riverside is the culture-making aspect. It is one thing to teach children poems and songs and…
After each 10 week folk session we have a picking party- a folk concert at a family’s house. This final party for our minstrels goes to the heart of our…
As Fred, Scrooge’s nephew, once said, “I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only…
In October we had an adventurous Ranger trip out to a shooting Range in Waterman, Illinois. Around 30 fathers and sons gathered on the frigid fields on the fringe of…
Down to the River was a grand success! We achieved the goal we had hoped for, both monetarily and culturally. The day was replete with grace filled moments. Rev. James…